French Bulldog Blog, Pitbull


Call me crazy but I think most Frenchie owners will agree that once you have one in your life it is of the utmost importance that you bring a second into your home. We quickly realized that pairing a young puppy with a twelve year old dog wasn’t doing much for Yoda. He always wanted to play, which was fun for us, but we also felt he needed a puppy playmate. As my husband said, “Having two small dogs is technically like having one big dog.” I happily agreed and we started our search for who would be our little Luna Stardust.

**Side note: Having two small dogs does not equal one large dog. Adding a third dog to our home added a whole new dynamic and was a lot of work. Just making sure everyone knows our theory was wrong and you will most definitely question your sanity when you add a third dog to your home. Ok, now we can get back to Luna’s story …

Steve and I went to France in 2017 and met a frenchie named Elvis (You can check him out on Instagram @elvisfromparis.) Elvis was big, silly, friendly, and was tan with a black mask. From the moment I met him all I wanted was a tan Frenchie with a black mask. It was my dream dog. This is also a standard color for French Bulldogs but we had a hard time finding exactly what we were looking for when we started our search for Luna.

Steve found Luna through the same Facebook group that we found Yoda but through a different breeder that was only about 2 hours south of us in Michigan. She is considered to be sable with a black mask, she was perfect. They had posted a picture of her a few weeks before she was ready and at that time we just kept looking. As fate would have it we never came across another Frenchie we loved before Luna was going to be ready. She popped back up in our Facebook feed and I just felt like she was the one.

Also, can we all just L-O-L for a second about how the breeder almost didn’t let us come see Luna?! I don’t have a personal Facebook page so my husband did all of the communicating with breeders through his personal Facebook. Let’s just say my husband is unique and could possibly be described as eccentric. So when we got to the breeders home and heard her tell us she really had to think about whether or not she wanted to leave one of her puppies to us based on my husbands Facebook profile picture we all couldn’t help but laugh. Never judge a book by it’s cover people! I mean – maybe sometimes you should judge a book by it’s cover but at least try to give people a chance if it feels right to you.

When we arrived at the breeder’s home we were greeted by Luna’s mom who was named Toast. Toast was big for a female French Bulldog, which we wanted a larger female. She was silly, sweet, and had a BIG personality. Luna and her sister were the only puppies left from her litter. She was definitely our ideal puppy. She was living in a small baby pool that was enclosed by a tall baby gate. Somehow in the few minutes we spent getting to know Toast and the breeder Luna had managed to escape her enclosure and was running around like a Luna-tic (Get it? Luna, Luna-tic? Don’t worry I’m here all night folks. I’ve got dog-mom jokes for days.).

We got a little background on Luna’s mom Toast: no joint problems, in good health, had NINE puppies which were all girls (who runs the world?), she also gets violently car sick. All of the information we got was awesome but my pupils had to have been so dilated in puppy love that the breeder could have told me anything. We left on our journey home with Luna to start our lives together.

We had to stop and get gas on our way home so we put her in her puppy crate while we ran inside the gas station. When we came back out she had already pooped all over her puppy crate and blankets. So that was a really fun way to start our new life together but nothing could stop the puppy love I felt for her! Not even a 2 hour car ride that smelled like dog poop.

Baby Luna

When we got her home she came right in like she knew she was in the right place. That night was the first and only time I’ve heard Luna really cry because we tried to make her sleep in her crate. So let’s just say I regularly see my chiropractor bow because she’s always pushing me out of bed. Truthfully, she’s really been such a joy, she’s very high energy, she’s bossy, she can be very brave, she has this ear piercing bark that is hilarious, she’s a better guard dog than our boys, she’s the only dog in our house that actually thinks I am her owner (Steve is the boss of our other dogs), Luna is most certainly my dog and I am her person.

What will you learn from Luna about French Bulldog care when you stick with this blog?

  • She has A LOT of allergies. Far more than Yoda and we don’t have them fully under control yet. We’ve spent a lot of time at the vet, doing tests, using prescribed medication, and finding home remedies that work. So I really hope if you’re Frenchie has allergies you will learn something from little Luna.
  • Remember how I said we liked Luna’s mom because she was big? Well, Luna was apparently the runt of the litter and is a very small Frenchie. So I am excited to share with you my experience of owning a small dog when I’ve only owned large and medium sized dogs.
  • She has a lot of problems with yeast, her wrinkles, and hot spots.
  • She is constantly licking her paws.
  • She has terrible anxiety sometimes – especially when it comes to traveling in the car. She also gets terribly car sick like her mom!
  • We have a lot of daily, weekly, and monthly care regimens we follow with Luna to keep her healthy.
  • She’s currently undergoing Immunotherapy for her allergies.

Luna is most definitely my problem child but she’s taught me a lot and we have a really strong bond. I am hoping my journey with her can help you and I am hoping that I can learn something from my followers that have similar experiences with their Frenchie’s health issues.

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