DIY Dog Christmas Ornament
DIY Projects, French Bulldog Blog

DIY Dog Christmas Ornament

I’ve had the idea for this DIY Dog Christmas Ornament since this Spring, and I am so excited to share it with you finally! What’s better than a Christmas ornament that you and your dog can make together?

DIY Dog Christmas Ornament

You might remember my blog post from earlier this year, where I showed you how to teach your dog to paint. I proudly display all of the dog’s paintings in my kitchen. I can’t express how grateful I am that we did that project together. This DIY Dog Christmas Ornament is an equally special project.

As you know, Zeke passed away a few months ago, and his painting has been such a special piece of him that we can cherish. I love looking at his painting and instantly being reminded of how wonderful he was (and such an artist!).

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This DIY Dog Christmas Ornament doubles as an enrichment activity.

DIY Dog Christmas Ornament

The project’s basic premise is taking wood-craft bone ornaments, acrylic paint, Ziploc bags, and dog-safe peanut butter (or yogurt, wet dog food, unsweetened applesauce, etc.).

As your dog licks the secured ziplock bag, the paint will spread on the bone. Licking is a very soothing action for dogs, and this is why it also makes a great enrichment activity.

Safety Precations as you make DIY Christmas Dog Ornaments

I consider this a very safe project, but you need to monitor your dog the entire time. This is the prevent them from inadvertently chewing the bag, which will have paint inside. This is a quick project and will only take your dog a few minutes to complete.

DIY Dog Christmas Ornament
Okja’s painted bone is my favorite, but don’t tell the other dogs! LOL

**Always consult your vet before introducing new foods into your dog’s diet. Make sure your peanut butter does not contain xylitol, as this is toxic to dogs. If you’re introducing new food to your dog for this project, make sure to allow your dog to test the food 48-72 hours in advance. This will enable you to determine if it causes any stomach upset. There are many great resources about human foods that are safe for dogs.

Notes about color schemes

I gave a quick lesson about color theory when I taught my dogs how to paint on this blog post. Remember, mixing red and green together will create brown. So if you’re using red and green, make sure not to place the colors too close together to avoid mixing and turning brown.

DIY Dog Christmas Ornament

What you’ll need for these DIY Dog Christmas Ornaments

  • Wooden Craft Bones
  • Base color acrylic paint (white, silver, gold etc.)
  • Acrylic paints in your chosen color scheme
  • String to hang your ornaments with 
  • Ziploc bags (sandwich size)
  • Any spreadable dog-safe food (Peanut Butter [xylitol free], plain Greek yogurt, unsweetened applesauce, your dog’s favorite wet dog food)
  • Paper to protect your work surface.
DIY Dog Christmas Ornament
So proud of Elvis’s first arts and craft project with the family!

DIY Dog Christmas Ornaments Step-by-Step

  1. This is an optional step, but I highly suggest painting your wooden craft bones with a base color (I chose silver). I mixed white with silver paint for a more metallic look. Painting a base color will help your other colors pop much more. Allow the bones to dry completely before moving on. 
  2. Spread a thin layer of your chosen dog-safe snack onto the entire surface of your Ziploc bag, and set it aside.
  3. Dab large globs of your chosen paint colors across the bone. See the photos below for an example.
  4. Place bones in the Ziploc bag, make sure the bag is completely sealed, give to your dog, monitor them during the entire activity.
  5. The licking motion will help to spread the paint in the bag. Remove the bone from the bag once your dog is done.
  6. I would recommend smoothing out any large globs of paint if needed. If the paint is too thick, it could eventually crack. Spreading the paint more evenly will help prevent that.
  7. Allow your bones to completely dry.
  8. Run your chosen string through your bone ornament and hang it on the tree!

This is not only an excellent ornament for your tree, but they would make great gifts for friends and family! Just make sure that you spread the activities out over several days to make multiple ornaments. This is to try and prevent any tummy upset from overeating peanut butter, yogurt, etc.

Tag us on Instagram and show us your ornaments @peace_love_frenchies. I hope you love this project as much as we did!

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**Always consult your vet before introducing new foods into your dog’s diet. Make sure your peanut butter does not contain xylitol, as this is toxic to dogs. If you’re introducing new food to your dog for this project, make sure to allow your dog to test the food 48-72 hours in advance. This will enable you to determine if it causes any stomach upset. There are many great resources about human foods that are safe for dogs.